Mar 6, 2012

is it seriously march?!?

time is flying by!
and i have so much to update on.
parker's insurance decided it didn't want to pay for
him to have physical therapy 
and didn't approve it as 'necessary treatment'
so he can't going back.
i got a call last evening from first steps
and he didn't qualify for the program
because he didn't score low enough to be eligible.
my kid isn't totally screwed up
they graded him physically as a 10 month
seriously, that's almost SEVEN months behind?!
she did say that he did score 'pretty average'
in all the other categories.
she's mailing me the score sheets so i'll be able to see more when i get them.
i'm super curious to see what he's excelling in
and what he's not.
so we have exactly 1 month and 2 days to get the boy walking!
bc according to his pediatrician
there isn't much concern until they aren't walking at 18 months.
i'm debating taking away his naps
and making him exercise for 12 straight hours a day.
totally kidding, chill out.
d and i do think he has gotten a little more steady on his feet.
the other night he got on all fours,
like on his hands and feet not his knees
like he was trying to stand up not grabbing onto anything.
which he's never done before.
so d and i start cheering for him and yelling
which i think kinda freaked him out.
because he immediately looked up at us with this terrified look
like he was doing something wrong.
and we were practicing with him walking between us
when we THINK he may or may not have stood for half a second
and took his first official step
before diving head first into the carpet.
 i bought him some beans the other day
while i was grocery shopping.
trying to give him a little 'texture play'.
 you'd think i bought him a puppy!
i'm totally getting over my ocd of messes and letting him a kid.
he spends a good 30 min digging in these beans
and it only take me like 30 sec to clean them up.
plus it's like finding quarters in the washing machine,
we have secret beans hidden all over the house!
double bonus!
 we're working on not throwing them
 it didn't take long to figure out how to dump them

carpe diem

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