kinda crazy to think parker has now
been outside of me for longer
than he was inside of me....
ponder that for a min.
so lately the tides have been turning.
everyone and i mean everyone
used to say P looked like his dad.
to. a. T.
but now he's starting to get the...
"awww, you are looking more like your mommy every day"
from random people.
which i think is so funny
bc D and i look nothing alike.
(he's just one of those kids that you can't tell which parent he looks like i suppose)
but besides the looks he is unfortunately taking
after me in his growth pattern as well.
as you know park had his well baby visit monday.
glad to report he has grown!
just not too much.
here's the stats:
height - 26 1/2 in -- 5%
weight - 16lbs 12oz -- not on the chart, below 5%
head - 18in -- 30%
so from his 6month visit he has only gained
and grown
but the doc was pleased.
he said he is following his own growth curve.
he is very patient and said as long as P is progessing
at his own pace he is happy to go along with it.
he is officially sitting on his own.
finally started around 8 months or so.
he was actually army crawling at about 7 months.
why do things in normal order?
his new thing he just started doing is waving. like on purpose.
and just as the dr walked in parker started waving at him.
perfectly on cue!
he was quite impressed to say the least.
(said most 1yr olds haven't mastered waving)
very proud mom moment.
thats about his coolest trick right now. he does say 'mama'
and started using it right.
he kinda yells it at me when he wants to be picked up
and stiffens his arms and legs and points his toes.
it's hilarious really.
but he also knows how to do (as we call it)
when we pick him up he pats us on the back.
and we tell him to give the cats 'pat pat'
he will pat their back intead of grab a fist full of hair.
he is starting to understand what 'no' means.
he likes to crawl to the wii and dvd players to push buttons.
he understands it so much to turn around
and grin
and continue doing it.
his favorite activity at the moment is
definately chasing our cats.
he will army crawl in circles around our livingroom
as sanders slowly walks away just
before he gets to him.
p-man was actally panting the other night
he was so worn out from chasing them.
so i'm finally accepting
and embracing
the fact that he will do things at his own pace.
how he hasn't figured out how to transition from
crawling to sitting yet.
or how to cruise along the couch.
or how to walk holding our fingers.
but he will.
when he wants to.
and why would i want to rush it?
carpe diem