Jul 19, 2011

poor bunny

D's father has a garden that he chooses
to protect from wild bunnies that like to eat the plants.
on the evening of father's day
braden and gavin were begging to go play outside
in the approximately 115 degree weather.
so papa agreed to take them out and check on the veggies.

braden comes flying in the house demanding we come quick
to go see what gavin was doing.
and there he was
holding a dead rabbit upside down like it was no big deal!!
steph and i had a joint heart attack.
gavin was too young to have any sort of fear holding him.
but after braden saw our reaction he
of course wanted in on some of the attention too :)
and thus we have the fight over a dead bunny.
so proud
can't wait till next summer
when his bigger brother-cousins can teach him
how to carry around dead animals.

carpe diem

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