Apr 17, 2012

random day

i was starting to feel like i was slacking 
in my picture taking.
i used to take pictures of parker every single day i was off work.
i always have my camera charged and sitting on my kitchen counter
and so that i see it constantly, reminding me to take pictures
of the regular every day stuff around here,
not just for birthdays and the special events.
parker's latest obsession is looking at photo albums.
real ones, or on my phone.
he'd sit on my lap for probably an hour
just swiping through pictures of himself and pointing out other people.
and absolutely loves to watch the videos i take of him.
he'll sit and smile and giggle for ever!
so this only makes me want to take more and more
knowing he will enjoy looking back at what we did together.
even if it's just a little cookie crisp cereal 
on a pirate ship.
which is why every one should have a blog, i tell you!
do it!
all the cool kids are :)


carpe diem

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