Nov 9, 2011


the 2nd annual suttner hayride was last weekend.
this was the first we got to attend
being that parker was approximately 1 week old
at last years.
it turned out to be warm enough to sit outside,
we had enough chili and hotdogs to feed an army.

i know i say this alot,
but next year really will be so much more fun
that is if my kid decides to walk by his SECOND birthday.
not that we didn't have a super fabulous time,
bc it was so much fun getting together.
he's just at such a difficult stage to be outside.
doesn't want to be held
wants to get down but
still army crawls and drags his belly which doesn't work well on concrete or dirt.
so if we could get this walking thing down
we'll be golden :)

the walker helped alot
he got to play with carter
who's about 5 months older
and future bff.
casey put together a scavenger hunt for the kids
and audrey brought a pinata
got to use grandma's cane again!
i didn't take my camera on the actual hayride
holding park under a blanket was juggling enough.
but the kiddos had such a blast
and the adults might have too :)
can't wait to see everybody again at christmas!

carpe diem

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