Mar 18, 2011

you're a mean one

mr. grinch

p's great grandma gave him this stuffed animal last christmas.
it's his fave.

i tried to get a picture of how he stares so intently at him
and plays with the tuft of hair on top of his head. can see how well that turned out.
the grinch is bigger than he is.
and i can't help but sing the song in my deepest voice when he plays with him.

i swear he isn't always this serious.
just hates my camera.
he will soon realize it isn't going anywhere :)
thanks grandma wood!

p.s. the technology kids have these days is redic.
i mean,
P already has a cell phone!
who's calling you?
better not be a girl!
i'm gonna be the worst  best mother-in-law ever.

carpe diem

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