Mar 1, 2011

2 weeks ago

parker got to go to urgent care for the first time.
whoo hoo!
he also was sick for the first time.
whoo hoo!
and not with just anything.
he started out with a bang and got
why not a minor ear infection?
we do things BIG around our house.

i must say we first time parents handled it pretty well.
partly thanks to my hubby's rose covered glasses,
always thinking the best.
but as for me,
 working in health care can good and bad.
i always jump to the worse possible scenario.

thankfully he only caught a 'mild' case of it.
we had to do breathing treatments every 4 hours
for a couple days.

sleepy mommy....
family breathing time

2 weeks with a cough
and that was it!
i'm pretty sure i gave him my kick-A immune system.
you're welcome bud.

carpe diem

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