Feb 18, 2011


parker started cereal last week.
i was SO excited,
i never even thought about the fact that he might not like it.
come on, he is my kid after all!
well needless to say....he beyond hates it.
like i'm feeding him poison cow poop, hates it.

but we will not give up!
i'll teach him how to really love some food.
oh ya,
i'm also going to attempt and i repeat
to make park some home made food.
i'll let you know how it goes,
and how long i last :)

side note: for those alittle less technologically advanced
not saying names...mom,
but you can click on any of my pictures and
it will open it up in a new window a lot bigger.
just fyi.


carpe diem

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Sarah, try adding some applesauce to make it a little sweeter. Trick I learned Nannying. :)