Feb 9, 2011


yes...for all you worry-warts out there,
i am still alive.
just taken alittle fall off the face of the blog world for a moment.
geez, this kid of mine is like taking up all my time,
which i don't mind  :)
i just have so little time with him during the week,
i can't pry myself away to work on the computer in the evenings.
so i had the genius idea to bring my home computer to work
and in my free time i could edit pics, blog...you know.
well, details details.
there is no wireless internet near by...boo!
come folks, i'm not gonna hack your stuff, i just wanna upload some pics!
so sitting next to me is tons of pics from the last month,
i swear.
i just can't get them from one comp to the other.
so....i will soon-ish upload the photos to the web,
and share them with ya'll.
(which i'm pretty sure is just my parents and d, but whatev)
so if you're in withdrawal from seeing my babe,
hopefully those symptoms will subside soon.

carpe diem

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