Jun 24, 2011

part dos

i think that's how you spell two in spanish.
anywaysss, i will continue on our never ending vacation.

while still in yosemite,
we drove on the curviest roads ever paved
to see the giant sequoias.
it's hard to put into perspective how
ridiculously huge tall these trees really are.

this is the roots of a tree that fell over.

park insisted on bringing his wizard stick
and cast spells along the way.

how rude of park to sleep on our hike! 
only living tree you can drive through...
i think.
something like that.

so then we came back to the house
had a little snack

reid pulled parker's arm outta socket a couple times...

we played our new fave card game
you should learn it.

i lost and had to eat a wagon wheel.
i apologize for ever giving them to you parker-man.
they taste like gar-baaage. 

nu-nu read some books....
and we called it a day!
the end - part dos.

carpe diem

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